Developer Guide to BlackBerry Connection Problems

Published on September 12, 2009

If you develop mobile applications on other platforms such as Java ME, iPhone, Winmos or others, making a HTTP/TCP/UDP connection to the Internet is straightforward. The underlying network used is either Wifi or Cellular (aka GPRS/3G).

But for BlackBerry, it is many times more complex.

The BlackBerry platform provides a multitude of different transports for network access – Wifi, MDS, BIS, WAP 1.X, WAP 2.0 or Direct TCP. Refer to the diagram below.

Unfortunately, the platform does not provide a simple API that use whichever network that is working. Developers have to add extra parameters to the URL that they want to connect to. That is tolerable, but the problem that comes with each network is not.

Lets look at each network and their problems.