These are recent posts from</p> 1. #### How to replicate iOS Crash feedback from Apple 2. #### iOS Developer Tips 2013 3. #### It takes 18 weeks to build a mobile app 4. #### iOS Devices Cheat Sheet 5. #### 7 iOS Custom Popup Views 6. #### Phewtick API – Message to any user you want 7. #### How to migrate SVN to Git 8. #### Tips on making iOS App Icons 9. #### Create Async Test with GHUnit 10. #### App Engine Unused Discounted Instance Hour 11. #### WARNING: Do not use Base Internationalization in iOS 5 12. #### GAE or Dotcloud? 13. #### iOS Adhoc Distribution with the new Xcode 14. #### Which Ad Network to use in iOS? 15. #### Python Unit Testing with nosetests 16. #### My Custom Localization and genstrings 17. #### What is Python’s Lambda and Closure 18. #### iOS Accessibility Guide for Developers 19. #### The Mythical Team-Month Grand Total Posts Count: 32 + 19 = 51 ← October Posts in New Blog Theme → Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.
These are recent posts from</p> 1. #### How to replicate iOS Crash feedback from Apple 2. #### iOS Developer Tips 2013 3. #### It takes 18 weeks to build a mobile app 4. #### iOS Devices Cheat Sheet 5. #### 7 iOS Custom Popup Views 6. #### Phewtick API – Message to any user you want 7. #### How to migrate SVN to Git 8. #### Tips on making iOS App Icons 9. #### Create Async Test with GHUnit 10. #### App Engine Unused Discounted Instance Hour 11. #### WARNING: Do not use Base Internationalization in iOS 5 12. #### GAE or Dotcloud? 13. #### iOS Adhoc Distribution with the new Xcode 14. #### Which Ad Network to use in iOS? 15. #### Python Unit Testing with nosetests 16. #### My Custom Localization and genstrings 17. #### What is Python’s Lambda and Closure 18. #### iOS Accessibility Guide for Developers 19. #### The Mythical Team-Month Grand Total Posts Count: 32 + 19 = 51