Snow Leopard and integrity

Published on September 9, 2009

love leaves Apple latest OS X 10.6, otherwise better known as Snow Leopard, is selling in a few flavors – $29 for single user upgrade, $59 for family pack upgrade and $169 for single user full boxed set.

But no matter which you buy, you get the same disc. You can install it over an existing Mac, or even over a Windows. You can install it once, or one hundred times. It doesn’t matter.

Apple playing the software game in a modern way.

Apple has do away with license keys or other worthless preventive measures. It is now based on only EULA (license agreement) and your integrity.

Apple new policy: Reward honest people with a hassle-free product rather than trying to punish dishonest people by treating everyone like a criminal. Nice policy, I reckon.