What happens when you have a hackable voting system?

Published on September 29, 2011

Unfortunately, this happened to Asia’s Top 50 Apps nomination, presented by Singtel Innovation Exchange, and e27 as the organizer.

Interestingly, e27 community manager posted a blunt story about their flawed voting system.

I like how the story revealed things from an organizer perspective. However, he is admitting to his mistake, and yet not doing anything about it. Quoted:

Go ahead, do it. We probably won’t find out.  Keep it up, kudos to you. You’ll probably end up on the top of the list and be awarded the People’s Choice Award.

Since the voting system is not going to be fixed, there are only 2 possibilities:

  1. No one cheated (because developers have integrity!)
  2. Someone cheated

Since (2) is always a possibility, whoever turn out as the winner, will also turn out to be a cheater/loser..

I thought, since that is the case, I might as well submit my SG Blood and curl it to be the winner.

No one going to dispute a non-profitable app winning for a good cause, right?